Services and connections

We provide our clients with connectivity to the main Order Management Systems (OMS)/Execution Management Systems (EMS) and Networks, through standard and customised protocols. A support team is dedicated to the onboarding process, to optimise integration times and procedures. A front-end for order execution and monitoring is available at the client's request.

The order receipt and transmission service, available 24/7, relies on the professional expertise of the Market Hub trading desk and on an IT Help Desk dedicated to order monitoring and technical support.

We manage all the main types of orders and we have adopted a modular and fully scalable architecture.

The communication model, in addition to the usual asynchronous mode based on TCP/IP, RDP and IP/MultiCast, also includes synchronous communication through COBRA protocols.

A complete disaster recovery solution is provided on a geographical scale (Milan-London) which can be used if the primary system is not available.

Most OMS/EMS networks and connectivity options, as well as service centres, proprietary FIX and API interface, are supported.