Intesa Sanpaolo Systematic Internaliser – IMMH – Pre-Trade Transparency


Intesa Sanpaolo acting as Systematic Internaliser complies with the pre-trade transparency obligations set out in Article 18 of Regulation 600/2014 (MiFIR) by publishing firm quotes on this webpage, except for the application of the waiver provided for instruments that do not have a liquid market or quotations with size greater than the "SSTI" threshold.

The quotations published refer to quotations provided by the Bank to its clients in response to OTC Requests For Quote (RFQ) received from the latter both electronically and via voice or chat.

The executability of the published quotations is bound by objective and non-discriminatory rules, including the non-occurrence of different market conditions with respect to the moment of the quotation, that may limit access to the quotes published under certain conditions listed in the Commercial Policy, available at the following link and to which reference should be made for further details.

For the execution of the quotations it is necessary to apply the usual operating methods, by contacting the relevant commercial figure of Intesa Sanpaolo.

Bid/Ask Asset Class ISIN Notional Amount Price Currency Price Notation Timestamp UTC